Tuesday, February 15, 2011

W.A.S.P. - "Let It Roar"

W.A.S.P. were/are(yes, they're still out there playing) a criminally underrated band, in my opinion. They were alot heavier than most bands in that L.A. glam scene back then & I think their over-the-top stage show overshadowed their song writing ability, which is actually quite good! Some of it has a raw quality - which isn't always a bad thing - and some has a melodic(yes, there can be melody in metal!), wall-of-sound thing going on... We all know their earlier stuff like "I Wanna Be Somebody" and "L.O.V.E. Machine", but check out this (somewhat) more recent track off of their 'Unholy Terror' album... it ROCKS!

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